Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Sometimes life is full of surprises!

Oh well, cousin's wedding was held on saturday at expo, bliss restaurant! Have been attending wedding dinner of my cousin's one over there. Took one hour nap before heading to expo. Some took car, and poor me, took the bus there and it was a very long journey.
Such wedding, somehow there will be a small gathering of relatives, cousins, niece and nephews. Get to chat and catch up with a few of my cousins that I see them once a few years or lesser.
My bro and some cousins shared the same table with four strangers, while my relatives was all seated at the other side =(
But overall was alright, keep checking the time because I'm going to meet my friends and it was boring right there! Haha.

Anyway I feel that it was so sweet everytime I attend wedding dinner. Two strangers met, become friends, and started dating and become couple and when the time is right, they get married and become husband and wife! =)
I had a short chat with my cousin who got married when she was 19, and now she was around 25 with two kids. Everytime when one talk about how you know the other partner, she blush and it was totally sweet from how they met, and slowly together and get married. It was fate, destiny!?
You can be together with this person for years and because of one decision, it can change the life of theirs.
Sometimes life is full of surprises!


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