Sunday, 22 November 2009

Prince Siddhatha Childcare Centre K2 Graduation

I did mentioned about going to volunteer for the kids' graduation, and here's a group photo of my friends whom I went together with for Prince Siddhatha Childcare Centre K2 Graduation.

The kids are like damn cute, their performance was awesome evern if there are like so young. And their reaction was so natural, and innocent! The kids in this school are all vegetarian! I doubt I can be one though because I love to eat meat! Oh... Watched a little performance during their rehearsal, all the way from morning till noon. And because of helping in this event, I got up at 6 plus and reached Bukit Batok at 8.40am! So early and I feel that my body cannot take it! Haha.
Did ushering and direct the parents to the event room and was stationed at the canteen with GeokHui =) Haha. Quite slack and realised that I did have a lot in common to talk about. haha.. Had KFC for lunch at SP canteen, and then to the allocated location! The dress code is white t-shirt and long pants and shoes! But I did not have any nice white t-shirt, thus I open the cupboard and took a white t-shirt that belong to my bro! And it was like so BIG! Those who saw me yesteryda knew it =) Haha.

Went off from SP at 3pm even though the event ends at 6pm. Then off to meet Laogong and Jinglong at amk. But Jing long was cutting his hair so I went to acc Sissy for lunch at Long John. After that we all went off together and to amk hub! Spend some time with Jing Long and Laogong at nebo for waffle ice cream and played game =D heh. Been so long! Thanks steve too. hah.

Jing Long went off first, and then Laogong went off at to meet jinglong and his er jie to touch up on her tattoo, and I decided to go gardens to find baby! And then dinner at market area then yougurt place! Ha. And to amk to meet ah lam and headed to ochard to pick Jaime and then chinatown to pick Laogong and saw jing long's er jie after so long but glad that she still remember me=)) Supper at Geylang =)


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