Thursday, 1 May 2008

Just came back home from work. Is a long day for me, baby and sweetie. Went to school with a big bag which is fully filled up with my clothes, shoes, stuff for lesson and even library BOOK!!! Seems like I'm quite hardworking right. But wrong, borrow that becauase Andy asked us to do so. Guess is time for me to understand more about science because i'm in a science course. Together with those heavy stuff, went to canteen and bought waffle for baby and sweetie =) Not enough time for my RJ. So had my waffle then i head down to meet sweetie and we're on our way to work. The weather is really warm and continuous perspiration make me feel sticky. Once again in bus 961 to work. Is been a really long time since I last work and is Swiss Club, you know. One of my favourite workplace, where memories are given to me, knowledge and many other things. Reach there pretty early and waited for the van where stories of school life are being told to each other. Working was fun and relaxing as i work in the bar. where i can sit down when there's no customer. The host was to nice that he thank us and told us that he had given tips to us. was super happy when i heard that! But ended up Vijay say that he paying us extra hour but that's our tips right. The tips that the host gave is surely more than that la. He took our money! really not fair. But better than nothing. Had a great time, chasing and wanting to go up the buggy. Walk out and took cab outside whereby we could save the booking fees and all. Baby is so nice to have you around when i'm working.

Butterfly flew around and I wanted to get away, but the more I want to run away from it, it will keep chasing after you. So why not face it, get everything settled and thus it will stop and not hunt you anymore.


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